
Meet Shane

Hi there! I'm currently in my 2B term studying engineering at the University of Waterloo. I'm an S-shaped designer, but I would say that it's my curiosity, empathy and love for human-centered design that I can honestly and fully offer you. I like to live by this motto of "seeking discomfort." It has generally resulted in a fear of looking stupid or being judged while trying new things or taking risks in my design decisions — but I wouldn't have it any other way! It's how I learn, adapt, and grow to be a more creative thinker and the small victories I have help me to build a guided mastery in the discipline of product design.

What makes me unique is my technical background in civil engineering and experience working as waiter for years — where the overall choreography of these disciplines are an end-to-end experience for the user. The whole thing is curated from the way you walk up to the restaurant, to the way the lighting works, to the first display of fruit or food, to how you're greeted, to how your meal ends — all of it is thought through. In civil engineering, you build and learn how to solve problems collaboratively with users in mind, for example, a building — how does it function, what are the requirements, what is the budget, what's possible and what's available from an engineering standpoint, etc.